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Research and Teaching in Real-World Laboratories
versity of Stuttgart
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About the project
Why Real-World Laboratories?
Real-World Laboratories at the University of Stuttgart
Research and learning in a Real-World Laboratory
Real-World Laboratories at the University of Stuttgart
The Real-World Laboratory – one format, many approaches
Typologization of the Real-World Laboratory projects
What constitutes a Real-World Laboratory? Our idea of a RwL
Profiles of the Real-World Laboratories (MWK)
Research and learning in a Real-World Laboratory
How does one set up a Real-World Laboratory? Assembly instructions and toolbox
Inter- and transdisciplinary teaching in Real-World Laboratories
The challenge and recommendations for scientific project planners and applicants
The challenge and recommendations for practitioners
How does one set up a Real-World Laboratory? Assembly instructions and toolbox
Real-world experiments as a central method of perception and design
The real-world experiment from a practitioner perspective
Examples of real-world experiments and their effects
Why Real-World Laboratories?
For scientists and students
For non-academic stakeholders, civil-society actors, and doers
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English version
Research and learning in a Real-World Laboratory
The challenge and recommendations for practitioners
The challenge and recommendations for practitioners
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