Sustainability at the University of Stuttgart
The aim of the Green Office is to establish sustainability structurally and to initiate and coordinate innovations in the areas of teaching, research, operations, transfer and governance in order to advance the sustainability transformation of the University of Stuttgart and beyond.
Our vision
Our vision is a Green Office that promotes sustainable development and brings it to the entire university. Through forward-looking, visionary projects, our university members, from students to professors, are helping to shape the campus in a sustainable way. We see the campus as a permanent living lab. Our university is becoming a sustainable institution and future workshop for the major challenges facing society. It helps to train students to become shapers of change.
Our mission
The Green Office is a catalyst for sustainability at the University of Stuttgart: it is a main contact point that connects interested parties and stakeholders at all levels. It creates space for ideas, promotes and empowers interested individuals and groups to contribute to change towards a sustainable future. It works closely with the existing committees and institutions of the University of Stuttgart. All members of the university are involved.
We want
We want to establish a large sustainability network at the university and beyond, establish a lively and participatory sustainability culture on campus and create transparency, e.g. by regularly publishing sustainability reports. We also want to contribute to the development of the university's climate protection concept, support the establishment of a green teaching and further education program for students and employees and contribute to an environmentally friendly redesign of campus infrastructures.
What is the Green Office doing?
- Projects and courses, e.g.
- Interdisciplinary Key Qualification ActGreen - implement your sustainability project (German)
- Interdisciplinary Key Qualification Sustainability between science and everyday life (German)
- KlimaOasen - we want a green campus
- Campus clean ups
- Shaping together!
- stuvus student union
- Management and administration of the University of Stuttgart
- Real-world laboratory for an emission-free campus (MobiLab) and a climate-neutral university (CampUS hoch i)
- Konzepte, Strategien, Kampagnen, z.B.
- Energie- und Klimaschutzkonzept der Universität Stuttgart
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht
- Energiesparkampagnen
- Ride-Sharing App "Stuttgart-fährt-mit"
Sustainability update!
News on sustainability at the University of Stuttgart
The Green Office regularly mails information on sustainability topics in the areas of research and transfer, teaching and further training, campus and operations. This includes funding opportunities, sustainability projects and measures, event information, job advertisements and other topics. You can find the slides for the updates here:
Contact us
If you have any inquiries, feedback or ideas, please email us to You can also follow and contact us on Instagram (@greenoffice.unistuttgart).
Office hour
Do you prefer to speak to us in person? Then come to our office hours. It takes place on Tuesdays from 14:00 to 16:00 on Webex and also every first Tuesday of the month at the House of Students (Infopoint, Paffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart). Click here or scan the QR code on the right for our Webex room.

Felix Hebeler
Dr.Head of Green Office und Sustainability Manager

Brigitte Lorenz
Dr.Sustainability manager